How does color affect you?

So often in the fall we are drawn to the vibrant colors that we see around us. Color can affect our mood, appetite and how we interact with others. Here are a few aspects we have learned about the psychology of color in design.

Color Palette Influences: 

FLAME TONES | Rust, Marigold, Bronze, Red

Warms the spirit and stimulates physical and mental energies.

Promotes: healthy appetite, energy for activities and social interaction

Areas of use: carpet, fabrics, art, murals


SUN TONES | Yellow, Gold, Copper

Brightens a room and evokes happiness and optimism.

Promotes: inner warmth and nerve stimulation

Areas of use: fabrics, wallcover, art, paint colors


EARTH TONES | Espresso, Camel, Terracotta

Creates an inviting atmosphere by creating a feeling of comfort and familiarity.

Promotes: feelings of security and comfort

Areas of use: accent paint color, light fixtures, wallcover, fabrics


WOOD TONES | Brown, Moss, Lichen Green

Creates balance and harmony by rejuvenating the senses and evoking relaxation.

Promotes: revitalization and well-being 

Areas of use: furniture, framing, art, green walls, flooring


WATER TONES | Blue Topaz, Indigo, Beach Green Glass

Cooling and calming. Evokes feeling of relaxation, comfort and quietness. 

Promotes: peace and serenity

Areas of use: art, fabric, carpets, murals, accessories


OXYGEN TONES | Cream, Linen, White

Partnered with other colors these tones convey quality and integrity and bring translucency to a space.

Promotes: hope, sincerity, spirituality

Areas of use: ceiling paint, linens, lavatory fixtures, light fixtures


ALLOY TONES | Metallic, Silver, Pearl

Used to showcase other colors and materials, creates a pleasing contrast.

Promotes: soothing classic feeling

Areas of use: art, trim pieces

Want to utilize the psychology of color in your property? Contact us today, we would be happy to help you procure your next project!